Schleich - Pinto Foal (new)

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Pinto Foal

Pinto foals are born with their characteristic piebald coat. Over time, coloured patches can develop, but the white areas generally don’t change.

Item: 13803 
  • Binomial name: Equus ferus caballus
  • Conservations status: Domesticated [do]
  • Global Home: Worldwide
  • Primary Habitat: Domesticated

While greys always have black skin, pintos always have pink skin beneath their white coat.

Pintos are often confused with Paint Horses, because they look very similar. However, Paint Horses are a specific breed, while pintos are defined by the appearance of their coat. This means that, in principle, their beautiful coat patterns can appear in any breed. The horses are then referred to as, for example, Arab pintos or Tinker pintos. There are even Pintaloosas – a mix of pinto and Appaloosa. As a rule of thumb: if you don’t know the breed of a piebald horse, you can safely say it’s a pinto. That’s always correct.

Warning! Swallowable small parts. Choking hazard. Not for children under 3 yrs.

Ages 3+