Schleich - Mandrill, Male

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Mandrill, male

Mandrills are a type of primate from the forests of Central Africa. The bright blue and red areas in their face and their yellow beards make them one of the most colorful mammals in the world.

Item: 14715
Item size: 2.76 × 0.98 × 1.77 inch (W/D/H)
  • Binomial name: Mandrillus sphinx
  • Conservations status: Vulnerable [vu]
  • Global Home: Africa
  • Primary Habitat: Forest

Although mandrills have the formidable canine teeth of a predator, they feed almost entirely on plants.

Mandrills are a type of primate from the forests of Central Africa. The bright blue and red areas in their face and backsides and their yellow beards make them one of the most colorful mammals in the world. Mandrills are omnivores which feed mostly on fruit and seeds. While the females and young animals look for food in the trees, the males stay on the ground; however, they do sleep in the trees. Mandrills live in groups of up to 200 animals.