Schleich - Puffin
Puffins are strikingly beautiful birds. They hunt fish by diving for them where they propel themselves underwater by paddling with their wings.
Item size: 2.95 × 1.77 × 1.38 inch (W/D/H)
- Binomial name: Fratercula arctica
- Conservations status: Least concern [lc]
- Global Home: Europe, Greenland, North America
- Primary Habitat: Coastline, Grassland
Puffins can dive up to 50 meters deep.
Thanks to their black and white feathers, the orange patterned beak and their bright red feet, puffins are beautiful birds. For the most part they live and breed in cold, polar regions. Outside of the breeding season they are out at sea. Their hunting technique is particularly amazing. They dive below the sea's surface, following the fish by paddling with their wings to propel them forwards. In doing so, they can dive over 50 meters deep. However they usually catch the fish in shallower depths.
Ages 3+