Larsen Puzzle - The Amur Tiger in Siberian Summer
With soft blue skies and lilac mountains, this decorative Siberian summer puzzle is beautifully illustrated. In this summer forest picture, you'll find a Siberian flying squirrel, a black swallowtail (Papilio Mackii), a Siberian eagle owl, a snow leopard, crested honey buzzards (bird), Siberian white cranes, mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa), wapiti (deer), a long-tailed goral (goat- antelope), a Siberian lynx, a Siberian musk deer, argali, an East Siberian brown bear, rainbow trout, a raccoon dog, Siberian weasel, a grouse, a chipmunk, a butterfly and the Siberian Tiger. These forest animals are surrounded by vivacious plants including dahurian rhododendron, water lotus, thistle, hesperis matronalis, and Siberian hawkweed.
A handful of puzzle pieces are shaped like a tiger, a tiger's head, a lynx, a leopard, a butterfly, an owl, a grouse and a weasel. Can you identify the shape of the last puzzle piece?